Welcome to Monkey Puzzle Solihull. A beautiful nursery setting offering outstanding childcare to Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers aged 3 months to 5 years old.
Here at Monkey Puzzle we provide full time childcare in our light and spacious day nursery. Children aged 3 months to 5 years are cared for by our wonderful team of practitioners, carefully hand-picked to offer the highest level of care.
We offer your child the opportunity to learn and play in carefully designed surroundings, that are not only stimulating and creative but provide peace of mind where safety is of the utmost importance.
We have dedicated nursery spaces for the different age ranges, including mobile and non-mobile babies. Each room reflects the seven areas of learning as prescribed in the Early Years Foundation Stage and is designed to be accessible to every child.
When you ask yourself, what’s the best nursery near me, come and see us as we believe it’s Monkey Puzzle Solihull!

About Monkey Puzzle Solihull
- Part of an award winning nursery group with over 30 years experience
- Enthusiastic, caring and highly qualified team with each child self-selecting their dedicated key person
- Daily extra-curricular activities, all included in our fees
- Amazingly large outside play areas for each room
- All main meals and snacks prepared on site by our in-house Cook
- Pampers nappies and wipes are provided for our children
- Modern security systems installed, including CCTV cameras
- Large car park facility
Our fees are inclusive of freshly prepared breakfast, lunch, tea, snacks and drinks. Daily menus are carefully selected to meet the energy requirements of growing children.
If you think the Monkey Puzzle Solihull might be the nursery for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Meet our Owner – Gaitri Sharma
I am Gaitri Sharma, the owner of Monkey Puzzle Stafford and Monkey Puzzle Solihull nurseries. With over 10 years of experience in Further Education, I developed a passion for Early Years during my time as the Head of the Early Years Department. As a mother of four, I understand the importance of quality education and operate with a parent’s perspective, while considering children’s needs.
My vision for both Monkey Puzzle Stafford and Monkey Puzzle Solihull is to ‘Deliver an exceptional environment for learning so that our children will never cease to grow’.
Our core values are centered around making every child feel important, providing engaging learning experiences, delighting parents as they see their child develop and never losing sight of our vision.
My inspiration behind creating successful nurseries is due to satisfaction gained when I see the smiles of engaged children learning through interest led play. Seeing the children grow, being nurtured, and developed, ready to move to primary school by our amazing and passionate practitioners is a wonderful experience.
I am thrilled of our achievements in Monkey Puzzle Stafford and hope to accomplish this in Monkey Puzzle Solihull.
We are proud to be an Ofsted Good nursery: “Children are supported well to develop good levels of communication and language skills. Staff introduce and model the correct use of new words and listen to what children say. Staff ask questions to find out what children already know and praise children for their efforts. Staff know the children well and use their knowledge, alongside assessments, to plan how they will develop children’s learning further. Staff help children to develop their independence. Younger children and babies are supported to feed themselves and older children confidently cut up their own food using a knife and fork”.
The parents of our children rate the care and services we provide 9.9 on Day Nurseries, which is an honour.
Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of every individual child and specific targets are shared with parents through our electronic app, to ensure progress is made together. Our parent partnership is one of our biggest strengths and this has allowed us to build a community where Monkey Puzzle children, parents and staff are one family.
Our dedicated Parent Governors group aids in communication and fundraising efforts, including the installation of a defibrillator, that serves our nursery and local community.
I am actively involved in all aspects of the nursery, working with staff, parents, and children to ensure their needs are met. The children are at the heart of my decision making and I am very fortunate to be able to spend time within the nursery on a regularly.